Monday, 23 February 2015

Supergreen Omelette

So I have been clean eating almost a year now, I will be honest not 100% of the time because well lets face it im only human but I would say im sticking to it about 90% of the time. This weekend though I have struggled. I feel really run down and poorly, I have not had the energy to do my daily workouts and I just want to comfort eat sugar, carbs and junk! I decided last night though that I was going to wake up with a fresh start and get back on it. Woke up still feeling run down, feverish and achey all over so decided to skip my usual pre breakfast HIIT workout to give my body a bit more time to recover and fight off whatever is making me feel this rubbish. I will however do my best to stay on track with the eating side of things.

So first battle was standing in the kitchen feeling awful and not knowing what to have for breakfast. I am up with my youngest son who demands that he wants "toast and paddington bear" in otherwords he wants toast and marmalade. Oh it smells so nice, I decide could just have some tea and toast. That will make me feel better. I then remember that a slice of toast wouldn't fill me up for even 5 minutes and decided to make one of my supergreen omelettes to try give myself a boost for the day.

Its simple and quick to make and super satisying on the hunger front. I just throw the ingredients in to a bowl whisk together, cook in a pan in a little coconut oil until the bottom side is cooked and then I put the pan under the grill for a few minutes to cook it through and thats it. Ingredient list today was

3 eggs
Feta cheese
Green beans
and some cherry tomatoes served on the side.

As tempting as that toast and marmalade was im glad I have gone for this option! Feeling better already! 


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